
A Nightmare on Affiliate Street

A Nightmare on Affiliate Street – How Google is picking off sites one by one that are violating its ‘Site reputation abuse’ spam policy

Update: I heard from Google’s Danny Sullivan and he confirmed that Google is not testing its ‘Site reputation abuse’ algorithm at this time. So the drops are from other changes that Google is pushing that must be impacting those affiliate directories strongly. Update 2: I just received a response from Google after following up to … Read more

How NewsGuard’s nutritional labels can help publishers avoid manual actions for medical content violations (Google News and Discover)

In July of 2021, Google issued a number of warnings for sites publishing medical content that went against its guidelines (for Google News and Discover). The potential for a manual action was clear and some publishers scrambled to figure out what to do. I mentioned this on Twitter in September: And six months from the … Read more

Google’s Core Algorithm Updates and Copied Content: The Domino Effect of Negative Impact

There’s never a dull moment in Google Land. And that’s especially the case for health and medical sites over the past year starting with the Medic Update in August of 2018. Since then, we have seen several major core updates, which seem to include a new method of evaluating quality for health and medical sites. … Read more

A Holiday Hornets’ Nest – Analysis and Findings From The December 2017 Google Algorithm Updates

Summary: From Maccabees to celebrities to doorways to affiliates, Google took it all on in December of 2017. There were several dates leading up to the holidays with significant movement from an algorithm update standpoint, including December 5, December 12, December 15, December 18, and December 26 (with possible connections between some of those updates). … Read more

Panda, Penguin, and Manual Actions – Questions, Tips, and Recommendations From My SES Atlanta Session

{Important Update About Penguin: Read John Mueller’s latest comments about the Penguin algorithm.} I just returned from SES Atlanta, where I presented “How To Avoid and Recover From Panda, Penguin, and Manual Actions”. The conference was outstanding, included a killer keynote by Duane Forrester and sessions packed with valuable information about SEO and SEM. By … Read more