G-Squared Interactive (GSQi)

Glenn Gabe is a digital marketing veteran with over 27 years of experience.

During that time, Glenn has helped a wide range of companies improve their organic search performance.

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G-Squared Interactive (GSQi)

Glenn Gabe is a digital marketing veteran with over 27 years of experience.

During that time, Glenn has helped a wide range of companies improve their organic search performance.

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Glenn Gabe

Glenn currently offers several core services, including algorithm update recoverytechnical SEO auditsSEO for website redesigns and migrations, and SEO training.

Glenn is a columnist at Search Engine Land and a contributor at Search Engine Roundtable, and his latest posts can always be found on his blog, The Internet Marketing Driver. Glenn also publishes a video podcast titled “SEO From The Front Lines” covers his latest findings and blog posts. In addition, Glenn speaks at several industry conferences and has been a guest on a number of industry-leading podcasts. Beyond consulting, Glenn provides SEO Bootcamp training on-site or via web conference for clients.

During his career, Glenn has helped companies across a wide range of industries including publishing, e-commerce, health and medical, finance, startups, military, education, non-profits, real estate, affiliate marketing, and more.

Glenn Gabe of G-Squared Interactive (GSQi)

About Glenn

The Web in 1994

After graduating college, Glenn was fortunate enough to attend a presentation at an IBM conference center where a marketing expert was presenting to the top 50 retailers in the country. He was presenting the web, but at a relatively early stage. Halfway through the presentation, about three quarters of the room had emptied out, but Glenn was glued. Like the presenter, Glenn knew that the web was going to be extremely powerful for marketing and advertising. He wanted to get involved, and quickly.

The Internet Bug

Glenn caught the Internet bug and spent the next seven years developing websites, web applications, and interactive presentations for The Perrier Group of America (now Nestle Waters).

His skillset grew rapidly as web technologies quickly evolved, including ASP, ASP.net, PHP, SQL, CSS, JavaScript, Flash (yes, Flash), and more. He was able to assist several divisions of Nestle Waters, especially since the company was experiencing serious growth during that time period.

Hello Entrepreneurship!

In 2001, Glenn launched G-Squared Interactive LLC, to help companies utilize next-generation technologies to market their products and services. He soon productized a video-based e-Marketing platform called Heighten Marketing Technology®, which enabled clients to seamlessly use a flash video environment to increase sales, while tracking key activities in a .NET-powered back-end. Using Heighten, he was able to assist a wide range of clients across several verticals, including online auctions, video production services, medical products, health and fitness, and consumer goods.

Can You Help Us?

As G-Squared Interactive’s client list grew and internet marketing soared, Glenn was asked to assist companies on several levels beyond video marketing campaigns. It made sense. Cool websites and web applications were great, but how could you drive traffic to them? The companies that Glenn was assisting (from small businesses to large brands) started realizing that you can build the best website in the world, but if you can’t get people there, you’re dead in the water.

So Glenn became heavily involved in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Paid Search (PPC), Social Advertising, and Social Media Marketing. And as client campaigns grew in size, he began working extensively with various web analytics packages, such as Omniture, Google Analytics, Coremetrics, and WebTrends.

Glenn Gabe of GSQi

Tying It All Together

Glenn’s technical skillset combined with his sales and marketing experience enable G-Squared Interactive to tackle projects from a unique perspective. Glenn uses his experience in programming and web development to address internet marketing projects from a technical perspective, and he uses his sales and marketing experience to approach projects from a business perspective. Glenn has found this combination to greatly benefit his clients.

Helping a Wide Range of Companies

Over the past 27 years, Glenn has held leadership positions both in-house and at a global agency. Glenn was the Vice President and Director of Search Strategy at MRM Worldwide, a global digital agency based in New York City. At MRM, Glenn was the Lead Search Strategist for the US Army, Exxon Mobil, Bertolli, and Lunesta. Glenn also helped develop MRM Worldwide’s global search capability, since MRM had offices in over 30 countries.

Prior to MRM, Glenn led SEO for Yellowbook, a leading IYP located outside of Philadelphia. Glenn led all aspects of SEO for yellowbook.com, a website containing nearly 20 million webpages. And as mentioned earlier, Glenn began his career at Neslte Waters where he developed web and multimedia applications.

» Contact Glenn now to learn more about his services and availability.

Glenn’s latest blog posts:

From major algorithm updates to new search features to case studies, Glenn covers the latest on his blog, The Internet Marketing Driver (and has since 2006!) 

Below you can find some recent posts from Glenn to get you started:

Nightmare on affiliate street

A Nightmare on Affiliate Street – How Google is picking off sites one by one that are violating its ‘Site reputation abuse’ policy

Glenn covers huge drops for sites violating Google’s ‘Site reputation abuse’ spam policy (including how some of the largest publishers are dropping over time.)

March 2024 Google Core Update Case Study

Google March 2024 Core Update Case Study – A tale of four tremors, reversals, and a great example of the counterbalancing of systems

Glenn covers a site hit hard in the fall of 2023 by multiple algorithm updates and how the site saw crazy volatility when the March 2024 core update rolled out.

Forums surge with Google's hidden gems update.

Beyond Reddit and Quora: How Google’s Hidden Gems Update Yielded Explosive Growth In Search Visibility For Many Forums

Glenn covers how it wasn’t just Reddit and Quora surging with Google’s ‘hidden gems’ update. Many forums saw explosive growth in the fall of 2023.

Google 2024 December spam update.

Google December 2024 Spam Update Analysis – 5 Case Studies Covering Scaled Content Abuse, AI Content, and more.

Glenn covers five case studies spanning AI-generated content, scaled content abuse, doorway pages, and more..

Google’s Broad core updates: Key points and Frequently Asked Questions for site owners and SEOs

Broad core updates are major updates that roll out several times per year. They can have a big impact on sites across the web.

Google's site-level versus page-level impact.

Documenting Google’s site-level evaluation and impact on search rankings using the ‘Gabeback Machine’

Glenn covers Google’s site-level evaluation and impact on rankings based on Googler Quotes, Videos, Documentation and more.